Gladstein & Messinger In The News
Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Opinion on Proposal for New “Gold Card” Pathway to Residency and Citizenship by Nadia El-Yaouti | Feb 28, 2025
Attorney Scott Messinger was interviewed recently for an article published on the legal news and information website Law Commentary. The article concerns President Trump’s new idea for a $5 million “Gold Card” offering a pathway to residency and citizenship for wealthy immigrants from abroad. Mr. Messinger gave his opinion of the proposal and compared it to the requirements of the current EB-5 visa process.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden’s Asylum Policy, yet Policy to Remain in Effect Pending Appeal by Christopher Hazlehurst, J.D. | Aug 7, 2023
In an article published recently on the legal news, information and blog website, attorney Scott Messinger was asked to comment on a federal court’s ruling blocking the implementation of a Biden administration immigration policy limiting the ability of migrants to cross the U.S.-Mexican border in search of asylum. Attorney Messinger explained some of the differences between the Biden approach and an earlier policy put forward in the Trump administration. Mr. Messinger also pointed out that illegal entry into the US is not a bar to asylum and is the only possible route for many asylum seekers.
Biden Administration Issues New Asylum Restrictions by Christopher Hazlehurst, J.D. | Mar 10, 2023
New York immigration law attorney Scott Messinger was recently asked to share his expertise in a Law Commentary article discussing the new asylum policy proposed by the Biden administration. Mr. Messinger explained possible legal challenges to the rule as well as the discriminatory impact the policy would have on people seeking asylum from countries in Central and South America.
Biden Reinstates Trump-Era “Remain in Mexico” Policy by Christopher Hazlehurst, J.D. | Jan 24, 2023
The legal news, information and blog website published an article covering the history and current status of the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as “Remain in Mexico.” In the article, attorney Scott Messinger was asked to explain the legal standards to apply for asylum in the United States. Mr. Messinger also commented on the challenges and difficulties faced by refugees from different Latin American countries seeking asylum in the U.S.
Supreme Court Rules Detained Immigrants Can Be Held Indefinitely by Christopher Hazlehurst, J.D. | Aug 04, 2022
Attorney Scott Messinger was interviewed for a recent Law Commentary article discussing a pair of recent Supreme Court cases restricting the ability of ICE detainees to obtain bond hearings and pre-trial release from detention.
DHS Announces Expansion of Temporary Protected Status to Ukrainian Nationals by Nadia El-Yaouti | Apr 04, 2022
A Law Commentary article describes how this move means that Ukrainians in the United States as of March 1 will be able to live and work in the U.S. without fear of deportation or removal based on their immigration status. Attorney Scott Messinger explains in the article that although the current designation is only for 18 months, TPS is often extended while the need persists, sometimes for years.
New York Republicans Sue City Over New Bill Allowing Non-citizens to Vote by Nadia El-Yaouti | Jan 18, 2022
The New York City Council recently approved a measure allowing Dreamers and other immigrants with work permits to cast their votes in municipal elections. In an article discussing the new law, attorney Scott Messinger was asked to comment on whether he believes the bill would withstand a legal challenge and whether the new law is good or bad for immigrants generally.
Build Back Better: What It Does and Doesn’t Do for Immigrants by Christopher Hazlehurst, J.D. | Dec 02, 2021
President Biden’s flagship legislation will send $1 trillion to the states for vital infrastructure projects. In an article discussing this legislation, attorney Scott Messinger describes provisions in the bill offering expanded work authorization and delayed deportation to undocumented immigrants.
Temporary Parole provides only temporary relief for fleeing Afghans in the United States by Haley Larkin | Oct 22, 2021
In a recent article discussing a government program allowing Afghan nationals into the U.S. as humanitarian aid parolees, attorney Scott Messinger was asked to comment on similar parole programs and Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Mr. Messinger also described how a parolee could file for political asylum after being granted parole.
SCOTUS Reinstates Remain in Mexico: What This Means for Migrants by Nadia El-Yaouti | Aug 31, 2021
A recent article in the news discussed a Supreme Court ruling requiring the Biden administration to reinstate a Trump-era policy that requires asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their applications are being processed in the United States. Attorney Scott Messinger was interviewed in the article to help explain what this decision means for migrants and comment on the likelihood the program might still be ended by President Biden or successfully challenged in court.
Texas Set to Arrest Migrants Who Cross the Border Illegally by Nadia El-Yaouti | July 30, 2021
Attorney Scott Messinger was interviewed in a recent article for his take on a situation in Texas, where the Governor there has instituted a program of arresting illegal immigrants as they cross the border and charging them with crimes such as trespassing or criminal mischief. Mr. Messinger explained the due process rights afforded to illegal immigrants in state court as well as the effect of a state-level arrest on removal/deportation and future attempts to enter the U.S.
Ninth Circuit Rules Mother and Child’s Deportation Order “Unconscionable” by Maureen Rubin, J.D. | May 24, 2021
Scott Messinger was recently featured in an article discussing a federal court’s ruling that a deportation order issued for a mother and her young child was “unconscionable.” The mother had missed an asylum petition court appearance due to an innocent mistake regarding the date, but the immigration courts were unsympathetic to her plight and ordered her removed. Mr. Messinger was asked to explain aspects of the asylum petition process and offer solutions regarding the long wait times for asylum cases in the U.S. Mr. Messinger also expressed hopefulness that petitioners will be treated with more humanity and common sense under the new administration, as opposed to how cases like the one discussed in the article were handled in the previous four years.
Biden Announces Raising Immigration Cap by Catherine Kimble | May 10, 2021
Scott Messinger was recently featured in an article discussing President Biden’s move to raise the annual limit on refuges from 15,000 under President Trump to 62,500 for the remainder of this year and 125,000 next year. Mr. Messinger was interviewed regarding the criteria for refugee status or political asylum and also helped to explain why the Biden administration does not expect to meet these higher limits with incoming refugees.