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Federal Administration Now Rejects Asylum Claims Based on Persecution of Family Members

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

The Trump administration is continuing its efforts to limit the ability of asylum-seekers to enter the United States. The latest move comes courtesy of Attorney General William Barr, who recently issued a ruling preventing immigrants from seeking asylum due to threats against their family members. Find out more about the decision below, and contact… Read More »

Refugee people holding metal bar at camp site

USCIS Unveils Plan to Reduce Immigration Wait Times

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

There has been precious little good news lately on immigration issues. The federal administration’s inhumane detention of migrants is ongoing, the State Department is invading the privacy of visa applicants, and that New York law that would allow undocumented aliens to obtain drivers licenses is now being challenged in court by administrative officials upstate…. Read More »

New York State to allow undocumented aliens to obtain a driver’s license

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

New York State will now allow undocumented aliens to to obtain a drivers license.  The New York State Legislature has passed a bill that Governor Cuomo signed giving undocumented aliens the right to a New York driver’s license.   The so-called “Green Light Bill” makes New York the 13th state to authorize drivers’ licenses for… Read More »

Social Media icons above hands

State Department Now Requires U.S. Visa Applicants to Share Social Media Accounts

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

While much of the current immigration news is focused on the administration’s draconian efforts to combat illegal immigration, it is important that we also pay attention to the efforts to curb legal immigration. The administration recently unveiled a new, invasive policy that critics fear will curb free speech and dissuade qualified applicants from seeking… Read More »

Yellow road signs that read asylum and deportation

Attorney General Rules Asylum Seekers Can Be Held Without Bail; ACLU Sues

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

The federal administration recently implemented yet another policy that has attracted the ire of immigrant rights activists. Last month, Attorney General William Barr issued an order aimed at fulfilling the President’s promise to end the “catch and release” policy of migrants who cross the border in order to avoid violence or persecution in their… Read More »

juvenile immigrant walking on railroad tracks

Federal Judge Rules For Juvenile Immigrants Against DHS and USCIS

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

A federal judge in New York just issued the latest order challenging the immigration policies implemented by the current administration. The ruling allows certain young immigrants who have been abused to be given special immigration status by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Read on for details about the case and the potential implications,… Read More »

Scammers targeting immigrants

Homeland Security Warns of Scammers Targeting Immigrants

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a fraud alert warning of a new scam campaign that specifically targets immigrants residing in the country. The perpetrators of the recent telephone spoofing scheme are defrauding people around the country into giving away personal information and extorting them for money. Continue reading for details about… Read More »

The DREAM act advocates for equal opportunities in higher education

New York Passes Dream Act for Undocumented Immigrants

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

New York’s state legislature recently passed a law which would provide state-funded educational benefits for undocumented children. The “José Peralta New York State DREAM Act” (Dream Act) flies directly in the face of the hardline federal immigration policies implemented under the Trump administration, many of which we have previously discussed. New York’s new law… Read More »

Depressed juvenile immigrant sitting alone behind a chain link fence

Special Immigrant Juvenile Program Changes in Trump Administration

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

A Trump administration policy quietly implemented by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions is currently under fire for going beyond federal law. The policy, which was not established through the appropriate procedure, is denying lawful residence status to immigrant youths who fled their home countries to escape abusive environments. Several lawsuits have recently been filed… Read More »

Visa application form to travel Immigration a document Money for Passport Map and travel plan

Supreme Court Agency Deference Case May Affect Immigration & H1-B Visas

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

A case now before the Supreme Court could change how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) handles H-1B visas and other immigration issues. The case concerns how much deference agency officials are granted to interpret both statutes and regulations, which could have a significant effect on how USCIS officials treat rules and regulations under… Read More »

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