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Guatemalan Refugees

DACA Program Continues Under Trump

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

On June 15, 2017 the Department of Homeland Security released a memo that officially removed President Obama’s memo creating the DAPA, Deferred Action for Parents, program.  The DAPA program was stalled in Court since the announcement almost two years ago.  DAPA’s final demise comes as no surprise. The positive to take from yesterday’s DHS… Read More »

group of people and Immigration sign

City Rallies Behind Immigrant Community as Federal Immigration Enforcement Ramps Up

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

While federal agencies have shown little sympathy for the communities of immigrant people so critical to American society, government officials for both the City and State of New York are devising programs aimed at reducing the negative impact of new federal enforcement policies. A proposed program would offer a subsidy for the fees entailed… Read More »

sign that reads no Deportations

How have Deportations Changed since Trump Took Office?

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

In the months leading up to his election, Donald Trump made immigration reform one of his most discussed policies, even going so far as to promise to deport everyone who was in the country illegally. Currently, the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is conducting raids all over the country, causing fear to… Read More »

3 police officers

New Laws Designed to Protect Non-Citizens

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

Two new laws—one being considered by the US Congress, and one that has been passed by the New York City Council—seek to protect undocumented individuals from both ICE agents calling themselves police, and scammers calling themselves immigration experts. Rep. Nydia Velazquez, a congressperson representing Brooklyn, introduced a bill before the House of Representatives earlier… Read More »

Revised Travel Ban Blocked by Multiple Federal Judges

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

After President Trump’s initial attempt at implementing a ban on travel to certain predominantly Muslim countries was rejected by the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the administration vowed to try again. On March 6, Trump signed an executive order that made a second attempt at banning travel to the US by foreign nationals… Read More »

Immigration Raids – Your Rights

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

Over this past weekend ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) began ramping up immigration raids across the country.   It is very important to understand that even undocumented immigrants have constitutional rights in the United States.   What should you do if ICE comes to your home? Don’t open the door. Be calm. You have… Read More »

Stop Travel Ban sign

Federal Judge Halts Travel Ban against Foreign Nationals

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

After a tumultuous week involving a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the US immigration system, including the airport detention of hundreds of individuals with valid visas to enter or re-enter the US, and the cancellation of tens of thousands of visas, a federal judge has issued an order that suspended enforcement of President Trump’s… Read More »

Reform sign

Congress Discusses Potential Changes to H-1B Visa Program

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

Immigration reform was one of the major issues on which President Trump campaigned, and already, Congress has begun to advance potential changes to the system that could have a major impact on foreign nationals working in the US. Currently, the House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill that would make it harder for US… Read More »


Trump’s Executive Actions on Immigration

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

In less than one week in office President Donald Trump is attempting to make good on his campaign promises to take a hard line on immigration.   While the news focuses on the border wall and who is paying for it, what should concern immigrants the most is the intended policy changes in street… Read More »

The Deportation globe

Trump’s Stance on Deportation of Young Immigrants Shifts

By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C. |

With the election of any new president, policies regarding immigration are particularly vulnerable to shift and change. This election in particular has left many open questions about what will happen to the numerous immigration programs and policies which were enacted through President Obama’s executive action, and whether President-elect Trump will maintain the hard-line stance… Read More »

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