Federal Judge Halts Trial ban Against Foreign Nationals
By Gladestein & Messinger, P.C.Posted on February 7, 2017
After a tumultuous week involving a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the US immigration system, including the airport detention of hundreds of individuals with valid visas to enter or re-enter the US, and the cancellation of tens of thousands of visas, a federal judge has issued an order that suspended enforcement of President Trump’s…Read More
Congress Discusses Potential Changes to H-1B Visa Program
By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C.Posted on January 26, 2017
Immigration reform was one of the major issues on which President Trump campaigned, and already, Congress has begun to advance potential changes to the system that could have a major impact on foreign nationals working in the US. Currently, the House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill that would make it harder for us……Read More
Trump’s Executive Actions on Immigration
By Gladstein & Messinger, P.C.Posted on January 26, 2017
In less than one week in office President Donald Trump is attempting to make good on his campaign promises to take a hard line on immigration. While the news focuses on the border wall and who is paying for it, what should concern immigrants the most is the intended policy changes in street……Read More